Greetings from Torako Yui, Congress President

皆さん、こんにちは、第16回を迎えるJPHMAコングレス、今年は、「病気にならない生き方 食を見直し、心を癒そう」をテーマに開催いたします。
I am pleased to announce that the 16th JPHMA Congress is going to be held under the theme 'Let's look at a way of living and food to keep us from falling ill and heal the mind!'

It celebrates the 20th anniversary since I started to spread homoeopathy in Japan. I have understood that iatrogenic diseases and food related diseases are main causes of chronic diseases through my clinical experiences.

A representative of iatrogenic diseases is harmful effects of vaccinations. The harmful effects of HPV vaccines have got worse and worse as if our warnings become real. Of course, they can be dealt with homoeopathy, so JPHMA is offering free consultation to victims of HPV vaccines.

A representative of food-related diseases is meals (vegetables) which have fallen into lack of nutrition. Many modern people have chronically fallen into lack of vitamins and minerals, therefore, their chronic diseases are not cured. Many of minerals and vitamins are absorbed from vegetables.

In order to solve the problem of food, I set up agricultural production corporation Nippon TOYOUKE Natural Farming which practices natural farming without using any agricultural chemicals, chemical fertilizers and unnatural seeds (i.e. genetically modified sees and male sterile line) in order to change the situation from agriculture. Energetic vegetables and herbs from TOYOUKE have absorbed enough minerals and have original nutrition firmly.

A letter '食(Food)' is composed of making '人(Humans)' to be '良(Good)'. What we eat become red blood cells in the intestines, which are sent to a whole body and become cells. If the food is not good, good quality of blood is not created and good quality of cells is not created. A medical history of a person is a food history of the person. When it comes to food, it would be good to eat something which makes a person to be good, get well and enhance self-healing abilities. For this purpose, I recommend a dietary life which consumes vegetables which are not used agricultural chemicals, chemical fertilizers but are safe and secured and are grown from natural seeds.

さて、このように医原病、食原病というものがありますが、病気になる人とならない人がいます。この差はどこから生じるのでしょうか? それは免疫を低下させる要因が他にあるかどうかによります。免疫を低下させる要因の最大のものは、ストレスです。私はストレスを感情や思いの抑圧と定義しています。感情は思い通りにならないストレス下で生じるものであり、感情はストレスを解消する原動力です。
Well, there are iatrogenic diseases and food-related diseased, but there are people who fell ill and do not fell ill. How this difference can bring about? It depends on if a person carries another factor which decreases immunity or not. The worst cause of decreasing immunity is stress. I define stress as a suppression of emotions and thoughts. Emotions arise under a stress which a person cannot do what he/she wants to do and emotions are motive power to solve the stress.

Nevertheless, if the emotion is suppressed, a chronic mind disease will be created as well as an iatrogenic disease which is created by suppressing symptoms. As long as the emotion is not released by coming to the surface, this stress keep existing and eats mind and body. This suppressed emotion and thoughts (mind's chronic disease) is called inner child, which is an unsolved problem of the mind. The more suppressed emotions or problems with the 'inner child' there are, the lower immunity becomes and the more iatrogenic diseases and food-related diseases emerge, then they become intractable chronic diseases.

The following work is important to regain ourselves. When an emotion arises, recognize it as a suppressed emotion in the past, remember the past event, and release the emotion in the past. Furthermore look at the value why the emotion arises, remember the event when the value was formed, release the value and find out your true wish.

A disease does not come from outside. In like manner to that where a disease becomes complicated because a symptom is suppressed, a suppressed emotion causes a complicated mind with self-deprecation, hatred, bearing grudges, etc, This decreases immunity and creates a disease that cannot to be cured easily.

ですから、インナーチャイルドを癒していくことにより誰もが平穏な気持ちを保つことができ、楽に生きることができ、生きることに喜びを感じられるようになります。それには、 傷ついた自分に愛ある声かけをしてあげて、等身大の自分を愛することです。
Everyone can keep a peaceful mind, living at ease and find a joy in life by healing inner child. In order to reach the point, give affectionate words to yourself who was hurt and love yourself as you are.

We have a power to save ourselves. You are the one and only existence. There is no need to compare with others or deprecate yourself. Let's save inner child who was abandoned. Let's regain health in mind and body to live our own life.

There will be many presentations on how to practise a way of living to keep us from falling ill under the theme of 'Food' and 'Mind' at the 16th JPHMA Congress. Let's get together!

大会長 由井寅子
Torako Yui
Congress President of the 16th JPHMA Congress

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