




古都ジャイプルで開催されたインドホメオパシー医学協会(HMAI)コングレスで 由井会長の発表を聞かれた参加者のアンケートより

● I am treating autism with homoeopahty. Today’s seminar, I am presenting paper role of homoeopathy in Autism. I am willing to share my view to your organisation.

● It is exciting. But I have to think many time before giving suggestion.

● I like to say that nature playes great important in homoeopathy.

● First of all, I am glad to have you in our All India Homoeopathic Congress 2016. Your Zen Method seems really interesting that how it acts over physical response. All your cases where really seems difficult to treat but you made it possible in a short periof of time!! We learnt something new from you. Thank you.
まず最初に、貴女を私達の団体、全インドホメオパシック・カレッジ2016にお迎えした事を嬉しく思います。 貴女のZenメソッドは、それがどのように身体上で反応するかについて大変関心深く思えます。 貴女の全てのケースは、治療するのが本当に難しいと思われましたが、貴女は短い期間で、それを可能にしました!! 私達は、貴女から何か新しいものを学びました。ありがとうございました。

● Todays event is very nice. The case presented was very interesting.

● By this effect, we have collected some important knowledge about some medicine.

● Nice congess. Good Presentation. Good behaviour. I live it, but very costly…

● Cosy are really important and good. Knowledge we got from this is solely important.

● For me it was – very knowlegeble, she gave 2 cases which were beautifully curedm as a student. I found very well informative and knowledgeable.
自分にとって、大変知識があるものでした。Dr Yuiは、見事に治癒された2つの症例を発表しました。ホメオパシーの学生として、大変良く多くの情報と知識が与えられていると思いました。

● The issues are perfectly designed we need to attach with Zen homoeopathy.

● Best luck to spread homoeopathy in Japan.

● It’s a very good presentation thankful to Dr. Torako to present all very effective and successful cured case. Best wishes for the JPHMA on future. Thank you for coming.
非常に効果的で成功した治療ケースを発表していただいた、Dr Torakoの大変良いプレゼンテーションに感謝します。JPHMAの未来をお祈りします。来て頂きありがとうございました。

● It was Inspirable, beneficial and innovative. We felt a great experience.

● It’s a nice experience to be in this congress. Lots of things to know. Finally, it’s a superb experience.

● It is a very good approach of holistic homoeopathy in Japan Zen homoeopathy. My good wishes with all of you.

● The presentation that was given by Dr. Torako Yui was very knowledgeable being homoeopath. And very useful and practicable.
Dr Torako Yuiによる発表はホメオパスに多くの知識を与えるものでした。そしてとても有用で実用的でした。

● Good method of prescribing single remedy.

● Good case taking and seems to follow the law of similar and law of simplex. Presentation of case is outstanding. Your efforts is really appreciable.

● インドへようこそ。We are truly obliged my knowing that in such a short period, Japan is achieving a new heights of homoeopathy. But if you try on single and simple medicine, as this is our basic of fundamental principle of homeopathy, that would be better.

● Your this program is very very nice & This program was very beautiful and I wish all of your progress in this field.

● Nice information of Zen homoeopathy. I am very impressed by Zen homoeopathy. Thanks.

● It is very good work in homoeopathy world.

● It is very appreciable to us. It is very energy full for development of homoeopathy. And we got very beneficial knowledge for homoeopathy practice by Dr. Torako Yui.
私たちにとてもわかりやすかったです。ホメオパシーの発展にとって非常に勢いに満ちています。そして私達は、Dr Torako Yuiによるホメオパシーの治療から大変有益な知識を得ました。

● I can’t understand within few minutes. It will take several hours for understanding the topic.

● I am very thankful to your team and your presentation. Thank you.

● I saw Zen homoeopathy 1st time. When I saw and was shock to see same product like in India. So I am happy to see you here.

● New method learned. Polyprescription was new. Nice work in homoeopathy. Single remedy prescription should be thoght of.

● ZEN homoeopathy products is good.Thank you.

● Strictly speaking I was so excited to see your cases.Your work on mentalty developmental disorder was awesome. I was soo inspired by your mom.

● Gas gangrene with many complication is such a nice case which I have ever been.Very glad to listen your senior “Thank you”.

● Good method of prescribing. Good results with polyprinciplrice. No confusion for seeking single remedy. Very good results in chronic cases.

● I am very glad to know that you came to India from Japan at HMAI national congress 2016 at Jaipur. I see your power point presentation; it is ener??? But I went to know.

● A very nice and informative and suggestive as well as knowledgeable lecture given regarding. Autisum and some difficult cases. A large good DVD regarding such above aforesaid disease, I think the such. Zen homoeopathy working and keepng a very keen and nice working for homoeopathy and homoeopathic world.

● As these med enhance the powers of immunity – i.e. why it is nice.
これらの医学は免疫力を高めます - 即ち、だから、良いのです。

●This was a very nice and good presentation and also very inspiring presentation for us.

● New method learnt. Polyprescription was new. Single remedy prescred should be also thought of.

● Zen homoeoapthy is really wonderful to me. I acquired much knowledge here. Thanks for providing me.

● Innovative approach towards case interpretation and good to hear the results seen by using homoeopathy. Best luck to spread homoeopathy in Japan.

● Every indivisual is unique by picture of god so drugs selection is different for each other. Spiritual health are basic of indian ancient health science in ayueveda can be compared with homoeopathic principle.
それぞれ個人は、神の像によって独特です、よって、レメディー選択も、それぞれ異なります。 霊性の健康は、アーユルヴェーダにおける古代インド保健科学の基本で、ホメオパシーの原理と比較されることができます。

● Respected, Dr Torako Yui. It is a fantastic presentation delivered by you. Zen homoeopathy. Is it origin from mainsteam homoeopathy? I’m presenting touched homoe-physician, dept of medicine, hospital (govt on a west bengal), incline to work with you, if you like permision.
尊敬に値するDr Torako Yui。とても素晴らしい発表をして頂きました。Zenホメオパシー。 これは、主流ホメオパシーが源ですか?私は、西ベンガル政府の病院でホメオパシー療法家を代表しています。宜しければ、貴女とともに働きたいです。

● It was very awsome day in which we all meet you. The product you introduced to us is awesome. It was nice meeting you and we all are very happy that you come to India. Your appearance in India made us proud.

● ZEN homoeopathy products is good.Thank you.

● Gas gangrene with many complication is such a nice case which I have ever seen. Very glad to listen your senior “Thank you”.

● Welcome indo you all are coming here.A pleasure for us.Homoeopathy has no borders. It’s a very good presentation JPHMA you have such a wonderful presentation. The cases are nicely. Thank you. Indo friends.

● Zen Homoeopathy is an extra-ordinary work in the field of homoeopathy. I wish that your work is better day by day in future.

● This is a very nice and good presentation and also very inspiring presentation for us.I am very thankful to your team and your presentation.Thank you.

● The presentation is very good.

● Very nice Inspiring.Good work.

● It is awesome.we loved it.Thanks for being part of us.

● Very inspiring speech.Event are so thoughtfull awesome.

● Wonderful speech.

● I inspired good speech.Wonderful speech about homoeopathy.

● I inspired her speech.Japan Homoeopthy knowledge. Very awesome speech.

● Excellent presentation case taking excellently good. Presentation on part history too. Best wishes as.Dr Torako Yui.
素晴らしいケーステイクの発表で、見事でした。日本のホメオパシーの歴史についても同じです。Dr Torako Yuiのご多幸をお祈り致します。

● The presentation is very good. Your case in presentation are very Impressive.

● Good interaction about the education system of homoeopathy.

● Keep it up.Good effort for the good time in Japan welcome to pinkcity.

● Plan og treatment was good.

● It was very nice.

● Treatment of mental disorders is very effective and impressive. Gas Gangrena case was very effective.Event was very effective.event was very informative.

● Exellent explanation of case.I would like to know about them in an little bit more detail.

● Very good presentation.Impacted amongst us the knowledge of Repertorisation and Materia Medica.

● It is something new it is useful in treating emergency disease.

● Very good presentation and case process. Holistic approach.

● It was awesome beneficial and inspirable towards homoeopathy field.

● I got to know about new disease and their treatment. Thank you! It was very informative.

● It is really a very good congress and it is helpful to know about homoeopathy and its treatment.

● Zen homoeopathy It is such a very good effort by Japanese homoeopathy. This is very good event Your work is such work is such a very extra ordenarity job in the field homoeopathy.

● Nicc case presentation.Quick short remedy apprication.

● It is too good I really like it esp the treatment gas gangrene.

● The mode of presentation was very nice.The case she described was very effective. The case taking was quite impressive. She introduce the patient in such a beautiful way that the mental of the patient quickly twoud the sick. Thanks for your guiding.

● We understood about homoeopathic treatment develop in Japan this nice presentation. I hope one time every timi every citizen welcome homoeopath it conbinate this type treatment.Thank you.

● Presentation is excellent your combination towards homoeopathy is good.Thank you.

● Very good and Best.Thanks.

● The way cases are getting cure in impressive.I would like to know the philosophy method Zen Homoeopathy.

● Use of repatory and case taking was informative. Thank you.

● Your Presentation is very excellent and very usefull abaut learning student of homoeopathy. It also usefull to learn abaut experience of case taking. Very musch knowledge full me in my practice of view.

● Excellent to see the case in this seminar. Excellent knowledge.

● The best. Thank you.

● The good.

● This is a new idea.

● It is an nice experience. Excellent seminar.

● I am feeling very lucky to be the part of the session. A very good session and very happy joy attending the session. Go very well explained.

● Session was good. All the best for fortune.

● Thank you for very nice presentation.

● We are so glad that we met and listened your seminar . It was awesome. But I had one doubt is Hahneumann told in his aphorisms that single remedy. But you had given multiple remedies how it is possible?

● The overall seminar is excellent. What I liked most is the way of headmen you healed both mentally and physically. Thank you.

● Hello. Impressive presentation of cases, knowledgeable. Thank you very much.

● It was very informative. Got to know about new disclose of then treatment. It was nice.

● We felt a very great experience.

● It was own pleasure to attend this seminars.

● We got to know new ideas, new medicines& how homoeopas discuses.

● The 1st day of AIHC 2016 organized by HMAI was very happening. The presentation of ZEN homoeopathy by Dr Torako Yui was very good. Thanks.
HMAIによってオーガナイズされたAIHC2016初日は、大変な出来事でした。Dr Torako YuiによるZenホメオパシーの発表は大変良かったです。ありがとうございます。

● Big and hearty congratulation to Torako. I’ve seen your presentation and I’ve realised that you are also the “Divine Science” – “The science of Homoeopathy”. This science is a gift from “Almighty God” to humanist, and it has given to humanity via master Hahnemann the father of homoeopathy.
Torakoへ心から大きなおめでとうを送りたい。 私はあなたのプレゼンテーションを見て、私はあなたが “神の科学” – “ホメオパシーの科学”でもあることに気付きました。 この科学は、 “全能の神”からヒューマニストへの贈り物であり、ホメオパシーの父であるハーネマンによって人類に与えられています。

● Welcome to India. Its really good to see that Zen homoepathy and Torako Yui is doing great in this field of rational healing. The cases shown were really interesting and repertorisation done was to the best of the symptoms gathered. It would really more faster in healing it. All the best and congratulations to all the team for doing great work.
インドへようこそ。この合理的な癒しの分野で、Zenホメオパシーと由井寅子が最高の活動をしているという事を見れたことは、とてもよかった。見せていただいたケースはどれもとても興味深く、レパトライゼ―ションは、集められる症状の中で最高でした。それは本当に、より速く、治癒することができるだろう。 偉大な仕事をしてくれたチームの皆さんに最高のおめでとうと祝辞を送りたい。

● It was pleasure having you here and the presentation which you gave was very inspiring. I really like the way you see the patient not just with the medicine but also giving them mental support and helping him get out of his worries. I like the presentation of gas gangrene what his disease and also his mental worries got reduced.

● Mam, I am a college students and your guiding provided me a huge courage and opportunity for the scope and curable state of homoeopathy. The patient you cured were very difficult case but you cured them and healed them in such a great way that was guide impressive. The medicine you provide to the patients were as unique and the effect you proved were very impressive. Thank you mam for your guidance.

● It was a nice experience being a part of this event that happened today. I learned many thins about homoeopathy. The product you introduced to us was awesome. I am very curious to know about your other products. It was nice meeting you and I am very happy that you came to our country. Your appearance in India made us proud.

● Zen Homeopathy. Excellent presentation. I like very much of a boy age 32 years old suffering from “Gas gangrene”. Wish best of luck and all the best. Welcome.

● I have listen your presentation very carefully and I am getting a lots of knowledge from your presentation. It is very inspiring presentation. I want to say, you people are very nice and your presentation are also.Thank for giving me this opportunity and carry on your mission . Thank you!!

● An attractive and nice program. The experience was really amazing, something new was taught and it was outstanding seminar. I really appreciate it.

● It is such a very good effort by the Japanese homeopath. Mam, Your work is such a very extra ordinary job in the field of homeopathy.

● It was nice to watching this case. It is an good experience to attend this seminar and saw this case. Excellent knowledge in chronic disease and also in acute case.

● Very informative seminar. It is a great learning experience. The products in the stall are also very refreshing. Thank you!!

● It is something new. It is useful in treating emergency diseases.

● Got to know a lot new diseases and their treatment. Thank you! It was very informative.

● We also thanks to all Japanese delegates whose are came here. We all very honored. Thank you for the Zen Homoeoapthy Japan.

● It was a good experiencing. Excellent to see the case in this seminar. Excellent knowledge in chronic disease.

● Presentation was good. English subtitle must be slow moving to be seen by everyone.

● The information given by respected Torako Yui Ph.D.Hom from Japan in very informative and the case presentation are really good and appreciable. Good work.
日本から来た尊敬するTorako Yui Ph.D.Homから頂いた情報はとても参考になり、発表もとても良かった。感謝します。良い仕事でした。

● Very informative session!! Enjoyed it. good stall with wonderful products.

● It had a wonderful information by these 3 cases. Thank you.

● Very nice. Inspiring good work madam.

● It was a new introductory session about Zen Homoeopathy. I would like to hear more about it.

● It was good. It was worth experience. Knowledgeable cases. Knowledgeable cases.This was very nice and knowledgeable session. Cases were very nice. I learned many things, nice use of mother tincture and different method of prescribing.

● Your Motto to homeopathy is best thing.

● We felt a great experience. It was informative, inspiring and beneficial experience. It was a pleasure to attend this seminar.

● The cases were good, but the concept of homoeopathy is based on “Law of similia” and “Law of simplex”. So the treatment based on these would be homoeopathic and would be more comprehensive. Thank you. Good luck!

● It was an nice experience for me to know about Zen homoeopathy. I am glad to know about that you share your experiences with us and introduce your products to us. It was a great opportunity for us to know more about homeopathy from you.

● Wonderful inspiring viewed. More scientific research and case studies needed.

● It was knowledgeable. Case was good.

● Nice presentation , nice case taking.

● Good presentation and I want to know more or other topic to select the remedy. How can be give proper medicine in acute case and Chronic cases and How can we know the remedy is correct? Give proper instruction to know this.

● Over all everything is good. You and your co assistant have good coordination. Looks pretty and attracting voice from both. I like your presentation. God bless you. Thank you.

● Thanks dear for such a wonderful and knowledgeable videos. We learned a lot from videos but I am feeling little confusion about combination medicines? Please mail me your concept of combination medicines.

● Zen Homoeopathy is doing great job regarding the field of homoeopathy in seeing the patients beyond the limits. I really like to congratulate you all for this great achievement. Regarding the cases, I think it can be more precise. It seems boring seeing too much long video, others are splendid. Thank you.
