


The whole process has been excellent. This type of conference should occur more frequently.

The event and effort of B.Jain and C.A.S.H. along with JPHMA is much appreciated and a new way to uplift homoeopathic science as such.
The government of Japan should take care of JPHMA, so that its work can get recognised in Japan and all over the world too.
In curing new-found iatrogenic diseases like vaccination complications and radiation, it is homoeopathic science that helps – to such hopeless cases too. So why not give proper support to homoeopathy, with due regard by all nations just to bring real live help in all such non-curable disorders.
Once again thank you from my heart to all at BJain, C.A.S.H. and JPHMA who made such a nice event to uplift the science.

JPHMAと共にB JainとC.A.S.H.のイベントと尽力に大変感謝致します。
予防接種の複雑性や放射能問題のような新しく発見された医原病を治癒するのに、このような希望のないケースにも、ホメオパ シー科 学は助けとなります。この様な難治の障害においても、真の生命をもたらす為、何故、ホメオパシーに対して適切なサポートをしないのでしょう。
このホメオパシーと言う科学の意気を高める為、この様なイベントをして頂いたBジェイ ン、C.A.S.H、そしてJPHMAに改めて感謝致します。

1) Thanks to the organisers of this seminar.
2) For the bright future of Homoeopathy such seminars are necessary to share our experiences practically.
3) I hope to attend more such seminars throughout India and abroad like this.
I wish all success to this seminar.


1) Nice representation from both sides
2) We can gain a lot from each other sharing our practical experiences
3) It is very good of JPHMA to bring a number of delegates from Japan to India and discuss and communicate their experiences and valuable prescriptions, and I hope this will continue in the future also.
4) Hope for bright future of Homoeopathy.


Excellent initiative to share knowledge from both great countries.


Arrangement, hospitality, everything is excellent felt very much happy to see all. Got so many knowledge from Japan Doctors, Students and their work hardship interact in homoeopathy. In future Japan will become one of the study center for Indians as well as other country. I got more interest to interest with CASH authorities. I hope they really extends cooperate in future thanking you. Yours sincerely.

Good discussion & excellent cases presentation by Dr. Yui and Dr. Harsh Nigam an ARF & CRF cases. Explaining various drainage remedies & on miasmatic approach & by Farokh J. Master & all are excellent presentation what I Felt.

I am satisfied with this session your time management is appreciable. I hope that you conduct this type of seminars every year to share knowledge about homoeopathy according to present situations.

It’s informative & sharing of cases & views between genuine two warm country people.

Its very excellent and informative seminar. I like the severe cases presented from Japanese speakers. By this seminar. We came to know lots of things which I don’t know.


1. Good to have attended the conference.
2. Conceptual knowledge by FM received well and will be used in fuluie.
3. Good arrangement.
4. Good food.
5. Nice to call Dr Prashant S Chakramane. IIT Mumbai and had presentation on nano technology aspects of homoeopathy.
6. Japanese are very lovely.


Indo-Japanese Homoeopathic Conference 2013 was a much success. I was very much benefitted with the conference and look forward for such an event. The lectures of Dr Torako Yui, Mr Shoji Shin, Dr R. K. Manchanda, Dr Farokh Master and Dr Ajit Kulkarni was very much beneficial and subjective. I also thank Mr Chikuyu Yamamoto for his blissful presentation of traditional Japanese Musical instrument ‘Samisen’.
日印ホメオパシーカンファレンス2013年は非常に成功でした。このカンファレンスで非常に利益があり、このようなを楽しみにしています。由井寅子博士、秦昭二氏、Dr. R. K. マンチャンダ、Drファロック・マスター、Drアジット・クルカーニの発表は非常に有益で主観的でした。山本竹勇氏にも日本の伝統楽器「三味線」の発表にも感謝します。

Over all conference is great success in every service. Thanks to all. JPHMA + CASH + B.Jain

Nice seminar with good management hoping for continuing in future also.

Very good experience in seminar. Especially with Dr. Farockh J. Master Again want to join thistype of seminar. Kindly informed.

I was amazed to know that are so much happenings in the field of homoeopathy all over the world. The work done by Dr Torako Yui moved my heart. I take this opportunity to pray the God to bless her for her endeavours.

This is a first time I attended an international homoeopathy congress.I wish to thank the organize for the hard work to make this conference asuccess. I would like to say that I really open-up my eyes and learn a lot from the speakers. However, I would be more than happy if every speakers can provide handouts or notes for all participants, so that we may have a hand-off of notes for our future reference.

The seminar was wonderful. I can’t express in words. Just awesome experience.

It’s our pleasure for heart: these all eminent international speakers & well known homoeoapths like. Dr Torako Yui, Dr Farokh Master & others. Throughout the seminar I got new thing to learn about practicing homoeopathy, which helps for expand my knowledge to greater extent. This seminar seems to be great moment. So I am thankful to B Jain group. Please continue these activities in future.
これは私達の心からの喜びです:これら全ての優れた国際的発表者で著名なホメオパス、由井寅子博士、Drファロック・マスター等。カンファレンスを通し、ホメオパシー治療について新しい事を学びました、これは、私の知識をより大きな程度に広げる助けとなりました。このカンファレンスは、素晴らしい瞬間に思います。B Jain グループに感謝します。この様な活動を将来も続けて下さい。

This is a first time I attended an international homoeopathy congress. I wish to thank the organize for the hard work to make this conference a success. I would like to say that I really open-up my eyes and learn a lot from the speakers. However, I would be more than happy if every speakers can provide handouts or notesfor all participants, so that we may have a hand-off of notes for our future reference.

1. very interesting presentation and full of substance.
2. very good chldren case studies & trauma case.
3. Time has been very less , no time given for discussion.
4. Speakers were very lovely & respectable expressing love & affection.

1. とても興味深いプレゼンテーションと充実した内容でした。
2. とても良い子供たちのケーススタディーとトラウマのケースでした。
3. 時間があまりに少なすぎ、議論をする時間がありませんでした。
4. 発表者はとても素晴らしく尊敬できる方たちで、愛と愛情を表現していました。

1- Wonderful collaboration.
2- We get very informative lectures on cancer, RA, mental disease etc. Presented by respected Dr. Torako Yui and various lectures.
3- Yours products and mother tinctures are very useful to mankind’s.
4- Chikuyu Yamamoto (samisen Player) gives very titillating presentation.
5- Association & we will meet you repeatedly.

1- 素晴らしいコラボレーションでした。
2- 尊敬できる由井会長と様々な発表者たちから、とても情報の多い癌、放射線、精神疾患などのケースを見ることができました。
3- あなた方の製品とマザーティンクチャーは人類にとってとても役に立ちます。
4- 山本竹勇さんの三味線はとても好奇心をくすぐる演奏でした。
5- 私たちの協会と私たちは繰り返し会を行っていくべきです。

Very interesting. Lots of things new for me.Sometimes I didn’t all understand because of my English. But I enjoyed a lot.

Early morning Dr Farokh Master Sir’s Presentation was excellent.Followed by Dr Yui – Presentation was found informative & explored knowledge of Mercury, Alumina, Radioactive hazards effect & therapeutic vaccination even for cancer condition.3rd presentation done by Ms Keiko a lot related to chronic Rheumatoiod Arthritis cure by homoeopathy and was served for the homoeopathy wonderful decision.Thanking you all for conducting such seminar and conference. More useful for all the practitioners and students.All the sessions were excellent.

The experience was awesome. We gained much valuable knowledge from Indian as well as from Japanese doctors.

The Indo – Japanese Homoeopathic Conference 2013 was very useful. The Japanse ZEN method is especially beneficial, personally as I have been dealing with may cancer. The most useful thing is organ specific remedies are to be added to selected remedies. This is knowledge addition from Japanese doctors.

Good presentation.Respect is given to the delegates.Lovely.Good repertorisation after Rubric and well selected remedy is used.

Today presentations impressed me much more and my expectations especially Dr Torako Yui and Dr Farokh Master. Thanks to B. Jain / CASH for experiencing an invaluable presentations in my student life only. Food is also very tasty and delicious.
今日の発表は、大変感銘を受けました、特に、由井寅子博士とDrファロック・マスターです。私の学生生活にすこぶる有益な発表を聞く経験を下さったB.Jain / CASHに感謝します。食事も大変美味しかったです。

Seminar is nice.Speaker is good.All JAPAN speakers & is very good and also INDIAN speakers.Food is also good.Venue and place is also very good

Dr Torako Yui’s single hard work must be appreciated, expecialy in cases of Autism & Retardation,or ADHD appreciated, the method is ZEN, and it would be difficult to digest, yet the result she got in the short spam have to be appreciated. In these cases, since the causation have been very crude, or heavy vaccination, the treatment has to match accordingly.Dr Ajit Kulkarni’s presentation would be very helpful in cases whereas or will very few symptom.

Please give a chance to do a training at your place Dr.Yui your lectuer was very good. please i will be very happy to do a training work at japan. Under japanese homoeopathic medical association JPHMA your lecture on autism is very good. the children start using their voice.start speaking sentences is very marvelous.

it was great experience with your thouguts/views.thank you so much!! God bless you always!

Dear Dr./sir so many things we learnt personally I congratulate the organism and supporting and young budding doctors from Japan.Because of their effort work for the development of homoeopathy hat’s off.

I know that the Japanese physicians actually in the field of classical homoeopathy.

Good arrangements! Different approach of homoeopathy in Japan. Very interesting.

The conference is inspiring and conducted in a unique way. Topics are also interesting and informative we expect many more conferences like this from you. Thanking you.

It is very good information. We learn different way of treatment and different approach. We can share the knowledge with Japanease Doctors.

The morning session interesting as well as inspiring altogether especially the presentation made by the Dr Torako Yui was comparatively better from my point of view.

Good experience in sharing the knowledge across the globe.My special applause for Mr. Yamamoto for his nice presentation of music on ‘samisen’.

Students from Japan can take homoeopathic training in homoeopathic colleges in India for in depth knowledge of homeopathy.

Excellent presentations by Torako Yui, Geetha Arora madam, Pradeep Banerjea.8 nice 8 exquisqte explanation & longively by Dr Manchanda & Renovoed Japan Speaker Shoji Shin by give Scope without limintation, Mariko Sasaki.I felt excellent by afterdiving this seminar by sharing their own clinical this seminar by sharing their own clinical enperiences possible effeels, evidence based medicine by all the renowed.

Every event organised by you is very nice from tomorrow onwards, we expect that this conference provides valuable information more than our expectation. Lunch is very good, tasty, dlicious.Organizing events are appreciated.


The presentation by Dr. Torako Yui was in formative and enlightening about the status of Homoeopathy in Japan. At such a short time she has packed a lot of information. The Yeomen service she has done and in doing for Homoeopathy is brightly commendable. The case histories were very interesting. It is hoped the visit of the delegation she heads would have found their exposure of CCRH & CCH informative and useful. But learning this system in India requires rigorous study, training and passing of exams. You Japanese people, are known to be very hard working, persevering and industrious. Hope all such collaborations and co-operations useful, productive and alleviating the sufferings of fellow human beings. Wishing you all the best in your ventures in learning and practicing of Homoeopathy.

由井寅子博士による発表は、日本のホメオパシー状況において、多くの情報があり、啓発されるものでした。このような短い発表時間の中で、彼女は多くの情報 を詰め込んでくれました。彼女が行なったホメオパシーに対する前駆的な偉業は、素晴らしく称賛に値します。彼女のケースは、大変興味深いものでし た。彼女が率いる日本の参加者達にとって、CCRHとCCHに触れる事が良い情報源であり、有益であった事を願います。インドでのシステムは厳格 な学習、訓練、試験合格を要求されます。皆様、日本人の方々は、大変よく働き、根気強く、勤勉であることで知られております。このようなコラボ レーションと協力が有益で、生産的であり、人類の苦しみを和らげる事を願います。ホメオパシーの教育と実践における貴女のこれからの御活動にご多幸をお祈りします。
