
Views on homoeopathy by Government of India, a country where recognizes homoeopathy as one of mainstream medicine

Issued in 2013

Weblink to the contents in English

インド政府AYUSH(伝統医学)省 ホメオパシーリサーチ中央評議会(CCRH)ホームページURL。
Website of Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH), Government of India

Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH)

It contains updated researches on homoeopathy and the outcomes which were conducted by Government of India.

A web portal to showcase important research publications of AYUSH systems has been developed. It aims at providing information about these systems for wider acceptance as well as to encourage inter-disciplinary research.

Research abstracts of Homoeopathy studies available online (as on December 2012)
臨床研究 :554
Clinical research : 554
臨床前研究 :88
Pre-clinical research : 88
薬物研究 :333
Drug research : 333
Basic and fundamental research : 1026
(ホメオパシー – 穏やかな治癒科学 – より引用)
(quoted from ;Homoeopathy – Science of Gentle Healing – )

(参考)欧州を中心としたホメオパシー エビンデスのポータルサイト




主要リサーチ団体で、「薬効植物の調査、収集、栽培」「薬 物標準化」「薬物プルービング」「臨床的検証」「臨床リサーチ」を含むあらゆるリサーチ活動に対し、多角的アプローチを持つ。



これら様々な活動の結果、CCRHはホメオパシーリサーチにおける指導者となり、全ての側面において認識されるようになっ た。

Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) is the world’s only homoeopathic research institution run by government. The Council has its headquarters at Delhi and a network of 32 institutes and units all over India. CCRH was established as an autonomous organisation in 1978, under the Dept. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. Primarily a research body, CCRH has a multi-dimensional approach to research and its varied research activities include Survey, collection and cultivation of medicinal plants’,Drug standardisation’, Drug proving’,Clinical verification’ and `Clinical research’. Besides, CCRH also collaborates with other research bodies for researches and monitors extramural researches. To meet its objective of result-oriented research, CCRH pursues various clinical studies on different conditions or diseases. These diverse activities have taken CCRH to the helm of affairs of homoeopathic research and the Council has begun to get recognition from all sides. CCRH strives to keep going with its efforts of upgrading the science of Homoeopathy, through a pragmatic and rational approach and to take Homoeopathy to newer heights.

Additional information of homoeopathy in India


As of 2005, there are 300 thousands of homoeopathic doctors, 180 homoeopathic universities, 7.5 thousands government clinic, and 307 homoeopathic hospitals. In 2014, department of AYUSH has been elevated to an independent Ministry of AYUSH on 09.11.2014.

JPHMAでは由井会長を始め代表団が2015年2-3月に、インドを訪問。 2015年2月27日、デリーのAYUSH省にて、サンヤルAYUSH省長官との会談、そして、ホメオパシーリサーチ中央評議会(CCRH)とJPHMA代表団との相互交流会議がCCRH、AYUSH講堂にて開催されるなど、日印ホメオパシーの公式提携への第一歩となる重要なイベントがあった。2月28日、3月1日には、 日印ワールドホメオパシーカンファレンスが開催され、インド・ホメオパシー関係者との交流と友情を深めた。
Dr Torako Yui, chairperson of JPHMA and council members of JPHMA visited India in February – March 2015. There were significant events as the first step for a formal homoeopathic affiliation between India and Japan. They had a meeting with secretary of AYUSH, Shri Nilanjan Sanyal at his office in Ministry of AYUSH in Delhi, and `Joint Interactive Meet’ between CCRH and JPHMA was held at AYUSH Auditorium, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) on Fri 27 February. On 28 February and 1 March, Indo-Japan World Homoeopathic Conference 2015 was held to further exchange among homoeopathic colleagues in India.

Website of Indo-Japan World Homoeopathic Conference 2015
