

Credit card cancellation of contract towards homoeopathic products







JPHMA viewpoint
‘Credit card cancellation of contract towards homoeopathic products’


On 28 January, J-CAST, internet news distributor, reported news with headline ‘JCB cancelled the contract to homoeopathic products. No credit card is available’ on main internet portal sites, such as Yahoo Japan.
A company which sells homoeopathic remedies has disclosed the reason why JCB, a major bank, and main distributor decided the use of credit cards towards homoeopathic remedies as inadequate on their website.

In the contents, their contract with the credit card company was cancelled because ‘the products are not proved scientifically’ and ‘Use of materials which stimulate self healing abilities has a possibility of leading to medical neglect’. If the content is the fact, this credit card company made an unjustified decision, misunderstanding the scientific nature of homoeopathy and safeness and cost-effective homoeopathy without any side-effect.

This is really a misjudgment towards homoeopathy, as it has achieved enormous clinical results
over 200 years since Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homoeopathy, established this system of
medicine. Homoeopathy has been used by over 1billion people all over the world and is renowned
as a main complementary and alternative medicine in Western countries. Therefore, we regard this
judgment as irrelevance.

We also feel regret to hear that the credit card company swallowed the myth manufactured by media, which repeated wrong report two years ago, and made this decision without checking the fact as a company who deals with ‘trust’ in society. In India and Western countries, so many shops, from small shops to big department stores, deal with homoeopathic remedies, therefore, we regards their cancellation under the reason because the company sells homoeopathic remedies, as very ignorance.

Moreover, their interfere in nations’ right of choosing this treatment, which contribute for them to regain their health naturally, is a big issue.

Especially, we expect them to check the real truth in repeated manipulated reports to attack homoeopathy two years ago. With regard to this matter, Torako Yui, the chair person of the Japanese Homoeopathic Medical Association (JPHMA), published a book ‘Poison and Me’ to reveal the truth. We recommend you to read this in order to confirm the truth.
We wish any responsible persons in a company, the government, and media make a decision with correct information, and have courage to change their judgment when they find the truth.
