
The JPHMA Homoeopathy News


The lies of ‘Homoeopathy’ in Wikipedia Japanese version (from JPHMA Homoeopathy News)

▼Part 1 of 4

Wikipedia ‘Homoeopathy’ is an information manipulation site that posts false information.

Many of Japanese had misunderstood about homoeopathy because of its defamation against homoeopathy. This is really too bad. So we decided to make Wikipedia of JPHMA version, free encyclopedia which is based on fact and unable to rewrite. As the first article, we feature the truth of ‘Homoeopathy’ of Wikipedia and publish on JPHMA Homoeopathy News.

▼Part 2 of 4

▼Part 3 of 4

▼Part 4 of 4

▼Wikipedia Co-founder does not like homoeopathy!?

Wikipedia attracts widespread popularity as an internet encyclopedia, butthe explanation about ‘homoeopathy’ is somehow greatly differ from the truth.We took the terrible contents up on this JPHMA Homoeopathy News.Surely, the concept of Wikipedia is wonderful, it is very convenient to learn various matters with free of charge and a lot of people are receiving the benefits.However, what if Wikipedia itself is created with a certain intention?

▼New Year Homoeopathy Talk 2014 in Japan http://ennewsjphma.blogspot.co.uk/#!/2014/01/new-year-homoeopathy-talk-2014-in-japan.htmlThe beginning of the year 2014.

The annual event, the New Year Homoeopathy Talk was held at College of Holistic Homoeopathy (CHhom) all over Japan through a relay system. Over 230 people got together all over Japan on this sunny day.
All participants were presented a fresh carrot from Nippon TOYOUKE Natural Farming Co. Ltd which were just picked at the farm. (This year is the year of horse.)
The event was started from Dr Torako Yui’s first calligraphy of the year.

▼Vaccination and human rights – Who will take the responsibility of the adverse event – The necessity of information disclosure and informed consent

Sun. 5th May 2013
The Issue of harmful effect from cervical cancer preventive vaccine
1.    The damage of adverse event of vaccination has been repeated –the case of cervical cancer vaccine-
Campaign of cervical cancer preventive vaccine was waged by the media or government including the intensive commercial after the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami.

▼Great success in JPHMA-India and Japan International Homoeopathy Conference-! This conference became a wonderful opportunity to open the door for new era of development of homoeopathy in the world Thu. 24 OCT. 2013

Dr Yui, chairperson of JPHMA made a commemorative speech at the Indian governmental institute of homoeopathy and received a commendation from Indian government.
17th Oct, the previous day of the conference, 60 of homoeopaths and students participated from Japan visited five-year Homoeopathic College and homoeopathic general hospital in Delhi as a study tour.

▼Various safety issues are revealed about cervical cancer vaccine (HPV vaccine), Wed. 16 OCT. 2013 http://ennewsjphma.blogspot.co.uk/#!/2013/11/various-safety-issues-are-revealed_7006.html

Natural News, an American internet news media sounded the alarm about the riskiness of cervical cancer preventive vaccines on 14 Dec. 2007.
It mentioned about Gardasil, a cervical cancer preventive vaccine, in the special feature article ‘Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 – 2007)”.

▼After having cervical cancer vaccine – homoeopathic consultation for the vaccine victim has started, Wed. 16 OCT. 2013

Cervical cancer vaccine – why is the vaccination not stopped even though the damage from it has been spreading this much.
We had already taken up the issue in the special topic titled ‘the issue of harmful effect from cervical cancer vaccine’ (https://jphma.org/子宮頸がん予防ワクチン被害の問題/) on the JPHMA Homoeopathy News in 5th May 2013.



2014年1月 7日 (火)

▼反響大きく再掲! ウィキペディア日本語版「ホメオパシー」の嘘(JPHMA版『ホメオパシー新聞』)


2014年1月 6日 (月)



2013年11月13日 (水)


