日本ホメオパシー医学協会(JPHMA)コングレス ZENホメオパシー学術大会

第25回 大会 開催決定


開催日:2023年10月14日(土) - 15日(日)|概要・プログラムを見る▶︎
  • 2019年12月5日

<メッセージ>「第20回日本ホメオパシー医学協会(JPHMA)コングレスへの祝辞」Dr. ラジ・クマー・マンチャンダ

Dr. ラジ・クマー・マンチャンダ



KONNICHIWA! Greetings from India. I am happy to share that this year WHO reports on traditional system of medicine has stated very clearly that homoeopathy is practiced about 100 in the world. India has a unique position. We have very revolutional system for the traditional system of medicine and that includes homoeopathy. We have about more than 200 homoeopathic medical colleges providing graduates and post-graduates education to the doctors. I have been interacting with JPHMA for the last few years. I have attended your two congresses and I have found all of you participated these congresses very enthusiastically. I appreciate the contribution of Dr. Torako Yui, chairperson of JPHMA for consistently organizing these interactions for the last more than 20 years. Today you are celebrating your 20th congress of JPHMA. I would like to convey my best wishes to you. I hope you will have a lot of learning during these sessions. I also look forward to meet you again in your upcoming congress. My best wishes to you from India and let us keep developing homoeopathy in Japan. Thank you very much.

Dr. ラジ・クマー・マンチャンダ
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